Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Langhor- Toole Road

September 21, 2010
We are checking out the places for possible hunting area. So we are just driving out in the bunnies with our eyes open for wild animals.
One just have to be careful when encountering big holes on the way. We do not have a winch in the car that can pull us out if we get stuck.
Towards the end of Toole road, we encounter this lovely big ear deer. It looks like the deer was not afraid of us because when we came back it was still there.
Here is the video link to see this big ear deer…….

Happy Hunting to all…. Now the bow and arrow is open and soon the regular hunting season……

Mica Creek

September 23, 2010

Ivano saw in the map the symbol for the existence of a Mica Mine in the area. So we decided to check it out.
However, unluckily, we did not find the mine site. It is possible it is in one those roads that have been closed or unmarked.

The only thing we found are some rocks on the way with some traces of Mica.

Here is the link with some pictures. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Short Hike in History Rock Trail September 19, 2010

Hello, yesterday afternoon, we went to this hike. This time I tried to create a short video and embed it here. Hope you will enjoy it. Ciaaaaaaooooooooooooooo

Bush Whacking at Rat Lake (Lago del Ratto Moschiato) September 25, 2010

September 25, 2010

What was supposed to be a short hike proved to be an arduous bush whacking adventure.  In the first place, we started in a wrong trail. When we realized it, instead of going back, Ivano decided we should climb up the mountain and look for the right trail. It was a night mare jumping over big fallen trees, rocks and bush whacking. We were instead following the animal trails.

To think that I just had an EKG in the medical center because of high blood pressure the day before and I went to the laboratory this morning and still have to do the ecostress heart test on October 5.

I did not have anymore energy left. Instead of lunch at noon, we had lunch past 4 PM when we reached the lake.

Rat Lake is a small alpine lake and muddy because of the activity and presence of muskrats.

On the way down, Ivano loss his binocular. When we found the trail, we noticed how short it was if we hit the right trail right away.

Here is the link of a video in facebook


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Palisades Falls Gallatin Forest Montana


September 21, 2010

This afternoon, we went to see the Palisade Falls. We met people even in wheelchair coming down. The road is paved so no problem for them to go up. It is also just a short hike.

Ivano was sitting down on a rock up there for a while and then suddenly, I saw him tumble down. Again, he hurt his nose. He fell down with his gun, camera and all.

Palisade Falls Gallatin National Forest, September 21, 2010


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Encounter with three Black Bears in the back country North of Big Sky Range

September 14, 2010

It was an off day for Andreas so we decided to take a long drive to the back country. We took the shotgun hoping we could find some birds or grouse.
The itinerary was as follows:
From Bozeman, we went to I-90 to Belgrade. North in 290 passing Dry Creek, Maudlow Rd., Sixteen Mile Creek Rd to Ringling( elev. 5311), then down to South 89 to Bridger Canyon to West Flathead Creek then to Flathead Pass(elev. 6801). On the return we went south to Rocky MT. Rd, Spring Hill Rd then back to I-90 to Bozeman.
Lou was taking pictures while travelling. Here are some.

While driving, Andreas said he saw a bear. So we went back.
We pass by a lot of old ruined farms or Homesteads.
Here is even a big homestead abandoned to ruin.
In some places the whole town even with bars or old stores are abandoned.
It is just sad to see this ruins.
Here are some more pictures of the black we saw. This bear was picking up berries in a bush. But when he saw us started to move away.
We reached the Flathead pass and saw some black Angus cows.  They were looking at us. There was a guard rail which the cows will not pass. Andreas had to go down and guide them where to go.
We had a snack and even played with the slingshots.
The rocks are vertical and sedimentary.
The rock formations are more obvious along this stream.


There was a stretch in the pass where there was no road. It really scared me to hell.  Andreas was guiding Ivano where to put one tire in front on top of a rock and the other tire in the back on top of another rock. Sometimes the car would be dipping down in front and the back hanging up. I said I gonna have a heart attack sitting here. I think it will be better if I walk. Andreas said, Mama stay in the car. I am used to driving this kind of terrain. I just want Pappy to have the experience. We saw something was wrong with the car with the blinking red light. They turn off everything and the car was just running on the battery reserve. Andreas said we may have 1 1/2 to 2 hours reserve. 

That's why we were not able to stop and enjoy the last bear. But Lou took some pictures of antilopes we saw on the way. 

Upon reaching the road, Andreas drove the car speeding up so we will have enough power.

Here is a video posted in Facebook.

Thank God we made it home safely and in one piece.

Bye Till the next adventure.... Ciaoooooooo

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gallatin River Lou's First Big Brown Trout Sept 11, 2010

Life in Bozeman ( La Vita in Bozeman Montana, USA)

Lou Ponti

September 11, 2010

It was a nice day so we decided to go fishing later in the afternoon. We went to the Gallatin River. Ivano only carried one long fishing rod although we brought 2 or 3 rods in the car. We started walking down. We have stopped fishing in the summer because there were so many tourists going on white river rafting. They come by the truckloads. It bothers the water and the fish. By this time that the schools have resumed, we thought it would be quieter. Driving we saw several fishermen on different spots. So we continue driving until we found a vacant spot. We still saw some rafters going but hopely not as many.
Era un bel giorno, cosi decidemmo di andare a pesca. Optammo di andare al Gallatin River. Ivano porto' la sua canna lunga. Ci avviammo verso il fiume ma poi vedemmo dei turisti scendere con i loro gommoni lungo il fiume.  Ce ne sono a frotte che scendono a valle disturbando la quiete del fiume. Cosi decidemmo di attendere un po' prima di pescare.

Ivano started fishing and he started catching. After he caught four, he let me try to fish. The long Swiss fishing pole for the river was too long and heavy for me. I am really not casting it right. It just drop close by me. After struggling with it for a while, I noticed I got a bite. It was pretty heavy. Ivano said to let it just stay in the water until it gets tired. Then I slowly pull it in. It was a nice, big brown trout. Oh. I was so happy for my first catch. Imagine, I had to buy two fishing licenses because I thought I lost the first one which later I found in my wallet.
Ivano comincio' a pescare e a prendere pesci. Dopo averne prese quattro, di trote iridea, mi passo' la canna e mi fece pescare. La canna lunga era pesante per me ed avevo difficolta' a mandare l'esca nel posto giusto. Dopo un po' di prove, finalmente ci riesco. Sorpresa, una trota ha abboccato. Ivano mi disse di lasciarla nell'acqua a stancarsi e poi, dopo un po', la tirammo fuori. Era una bella trota fario di circa 40 cm. Ero cosi contenta, la mia prima trota.

When we arrived home, Andreas told me I should have released it because brown trout is getting scarse and that I should be a conservative fisherwoman. Oh I am sorry but it was really a very pretty 40 cm brown trout.
Quando arrivammo a casa, Andreas mi disse che avrei dovuto lasciarla andare perche' le trote fario sono sempre piu' rare in quel fiume. Ma ero cosi contenta di aver preso quella bella trota.

So here are some of the pictures.
Qui ci sono alcune foto di questa avventura

Gallatin River. , the water level seemed low….we’ll see if we can catch any.  ... l'acqua e' molto bassa ma vediamo se qualcosa abbocca....

Ivano fishing while I am watching.
Ivano sta pescando mentre io lo guardo

My turn to fish after Ivano caught four rainbow trouts.
Ora e' il mio turno dopo che Ivano ne ha prese quattro

A happy fisherwoman with a big brown trout in her bait.
Una pescatrice felice con la sua preda all'amo

Beauty!!!!!!! Che bella

La mi trota fario misurava 40 cm. Le altre sono tutte arcobaleno prese da Ivano. Abbiamo avuto cosi una bella cena di trote alla griglia. Ivano ha detto che questa era l'ultima volta che mi portava a pescare, perche' ho preso la trota piu grossa. Alla prossima uscita.
Ciao, per ora, Lou.

Wow my nice brown trout measures 40 cm and then Ivano’s all rainbow trouts. We will definitely have a wonderful grilled fish dinner.
Ivano was saying it will be the last time we will go fishing. That is because I caught the biggest and good qu
ality trout.
Till next fishing trip….Bye for now. Lou